Paseo de la Reforma 265
Mexico City, 06500
Tel: +52 55 5533 0040
Fax: +52 55 5525 1227

Surface Transportation

Our practice team advises on regulatory and contractual issues related to trucking and rail transportation, logistics and cross-border transportation.


We advise on contractual and regulatory aviation matters, including aviation leasing and finance, aircraft registration, airport concessions, airport operational contracts, as well as insurance and reinsurance in the sector.


Our practice includes both seaport regulation and related matters on maritime transport and logistics, as well as comprehensive consulting for commissioning vessels, oil rigs and other naval artifacts to the offshore oil and gas industry.


Goodrich´s Automotive and auto parts lawyers provide legal counseling to investors and entrepreneurs looking to take advantage of the vast opportunities that are offered in this important industry, including the big OEM companies, as well as the auto parts manufacturers and traders for the After-market.


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