Paseo de la Reforma 265
Mexico City, 06500
Tel: +52 55 5533 0040
Fax: +52 55 5525 1227


Jorge Garcia joined the Firm in 2010. He specializes in civil and commercial litigation, both executive and ordinary, and that foreseen for International Cooperation, as well as for the Enforcement of Arbitration Awards, Special Pledges -with or without transfer of possession-, Guarantee Trusts, Special Mortgage, Lease, Special Bonds, Extrajudicial Claims in Bonding and Insurance Matters and Insolvency Proceedings. His experience includes constitution of guarantees, judicial and extrajudicial negotiations, legal consulting for national and international companies, resolution of commercial controversies and development of legal strategies.


  • LL.B, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City (2004).
  • Specialization in Civil and Commercial Procedural Law Institutions, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City (2006).
  • Specialization in Amparo Proceedings, Universidad Panamericana, Mexico City (2010).


Spanish and English.


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