Paseo de la Reforma 265
Mexico City, 06500
Tel: +52 55 5533 0040
Fax: +52 55 5525 1227

With 90+ years of experience, Goodrich has a long tradition of standing alongside its clients when helping them make their business objectives a reality. By means of a cross-practice among service areas and industry teams, our carefully trained lawyers achieve an innovative approach towards the rendering of contemporary legal services tailored to the demanding business community worldwide.

We pride ourselves in knowing what drives key industry sectors and are able to provide on a daily basis, the best creative and cost-effective business solutions beforehand. Our clients are medium-size, as well as leading global companies of numerous nationalities and economic sectors.

We ensure that our clients are competently represented wherever their businesses take them. This is why, in addition to our network of correspondents in Mexico and our own office in Paris (since 1971), Goodrich actively participates as founder firm of the Bomchil Group, an association of independent law firms with offices in practically every Latin American country. Today, Goodrich has a professional and administrative staff of over 250.

Professional ethics and effective teamwork, leading to solid solutions and constant innovation are embedded throughout our firm. In addition to sponsoring and encouraging training programs for our lawyers both nationally and internationally, we encourage the participation of our partners as part-time lecturers and research fellows in high-ranking law schools in Mexico. Goodrich actively participates in trade associations, local and international bars. Some of our members are frequently invited to speak at both, domestic and foreign conferences, as well as to hold leadership positions in sections of bar associations and industry organizations. Last but not least, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, pro bono work, broad-mindedness, and gender equality are also essential elements of our existence.

In our firm we are constantly striving to renew ourselves and in being prepared to face the ever-changing legal challenges that lie ahead. We are a firm of young lawyers with the highest professional and ethical standards.


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