Paseo de la Reforma 265
Mexico City, 06500
Tel: +52 55 5533 0040
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Energy & Decarbonization

A fair and inclusive energy transition implies that each country seeks its own solutions, under the umbrella set by international commitments on emissions reduction. In this context, our practice group comprehensively advises transition fuels -such as natural gas- major projects, in all aspects of its value chain (exploration and production, transportation and storage). We are proud to increasingly advise on the extensive opportunities related to energy transition and decarbonization. In addition to assisting conventional generators (solar, wind, biomass), we are honoured to be amongst the first firms to advise on green ammonia and green hydrogen; carbon capture, transportation, and storage, electromobility and emissions markets, among other key themes of the energy transition. Our team is internationally recognized, because of its professional, academic, and editorial proactivity regarding climate crisis and energy transition concerns. You may explore our publications with prime universities and publishing companies.


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